Well this September has been fairly chaotic and therefore seems as though it has flown by! It all started on Labor Day Weekend when we went to Todd's sister, Candace's house for her son, Logan's baptism. We hadn't seen them in awhile and her husband, Mark was trying to finish up his shed. So we decided to stay the whole weekend with Jenny visiting with Candace and Todd helping Mark finish up their shed. It was a nice visit and nice to be back in Cache Valley during one of its most beautiful months! We also were able to visit our friends, Josh and Carrie, while we were up there. It was so nice to see them and catch up, as we used to see them a few times each weekend!! But no pics!
Following Labor Day Weekend we flew to Washington for Jenny's Grandmother's funeral. It was a nice visit and we couldn't have asked for nicer weather. The men from our family looked so good in their suits as pallbearers we decided we could probably hire them out! Todd definitely looked studly! This picture is of Jenny's entire adult family (with 2 nursing children that couldn't be left at home yet) and her mother's aunt and uncle.
We also went and saw Jenny's father's mother, Barbara in Seattle. It was Todd's first time meeting her and it was a nice visit. Her art gallery is about a block from the Public Market and in the heart of downtown Seattle.
Flying in from Washington and driving back from SLC after we arrived put us home at about midnight. Only for Jenny to get up and leave for Montana at 4 AM the next morning for a week. It was pretty tiring but a fun trip nonetheless. In Montana Jenny had tags for deer, elk, and antelope but was hunting all of them with her bow. Which in turn was an unsuccessful trip. She went with her brother, Jason, her brother-in-law, John, and a co-worker, Adam. They all had a pretty good time, but getting within bow range was pretty tricky and with 10 tags only turned up 2 animals! The country was breathtaking and Montana is definitely a place all its own! There was a few shots at a few animals like this antelope, but they were holding out for a little bigger!
Just a view from a lookout point they spotted an elk from one evening.
There is a deer in this picture feeding in this creek bed if you can find it!
While Jenny went to Montana Todd went up to Twin to visit the folks. He got to work hard and get a little spoiled as an only child! He helped his dad fix some sprinklers (which he is really good at!) and hang out with his parents. He always loves his mom's cooking and visiting with his dad, lucky for Jenny he doesn't mind coming back home!
After Montana Jenny begged Todd not to do anything the next weekend. But when Jenny's sister, Amy's family could go watersking we just couldn't say no! So on Wednesday we went to Sand Hollow with the Petersen's for some excellent water activities!
We really lucked out on this trip. The wind was bad enough that EVERYONE had gone home by the time we got there, but since all we really wanted to do was tube it was perfect.
This is Amy's youngest, Tyler, who often gets Jenny and his mother, Amy, confused! But we took advantage of it and he smiled big for the camera! And for those of you dying to see Jenny's 17 week belly - there it is. Being a very prodominant part of Jenny's life! The next time you see her you won't be able to miss it!! Both Todd and Jenny are at record weights - very exciting!
Oh and PS our duplex did Sell and Todd is currently putting in a front lawn for us. This is kind of how he feels about it!!
For now we are recuperating and trying to catch up. Jenny is getting a cold (which is common with a month like this!) and Todd is taking care of her like usual! The last weekend in September we will go up to SLC for Jenny's sister, JoAnn's baby blessing and then October will be here! Ultrasound scheduled for Oct 10th! We'll let you know!