Sunday, May 02, 2010

What We Are Up to Now!

Yes, yes, it's been a while. As you might have guessed...we've been busy! So to avoid a potential 3 hour blog post I have decided to briefly update you in highlights of the last 8 months. Wow, I can't believe it's been that long. No wonder I forgot my blogger's account password! But all else aside, my busy season is winding down and it's May 3rd and snowing!

So starting from where we left off - we crashed the newest member of our family. We were on our way to Michigan to see Todd's brother's family. Long story short - icy roads, jack-knifed semi-truck, some skilled driving from Todd, and we're all okay. We only made it to Wyoming. We learned a lot and everyone was okay. Po took one for the team and did his job protecting the family. Grateful we have such a high-powered vehicle to tow it home with though, whew!

We went to Boise and raced.
Dane and his dad, Lonald, went too.

Savannah and I were both there and Nate was there somewhere too, but it was cold and he was little! And yes, I do think I'm getting a little wrinkly too. It was after this trip I took my own trip to the Skin Dr! Starting an SPF regimen now.

This was back when we had a manual transmission in Rocky and he had a hard time getting off the line. Luckily we don't have that problem anymore!

The truck broke on this trip (it breaks on almost every trip!), but luckily Po was able to return the favor and tow Rocky home. Soooo grateful we have 2 high powered vehicles!

Then we had Christmas. It was so much more fun than Christmases past. Savannah actually got into it. These are photos we had taken of the kids. They turned out pretty cute.

We took these at the same time, just not all in Christmas outfits!

Then another race in Phoenix. We were so proud to upgrade to a stack, automatic transmission, and nitrous for this trip. Although not everything functioned perfectly, it was another great day at the drags.

The Jensen family was there again along with the Cedar City crew- pretty much everyone we know in Cedar! The kids and I didn't make it on this trip. I had to go to Reno for a convention and sending the kids alone with Todd...well let's just say he's really not a multi-tasker!

And of course we were able to Dyno on this trip as well. Always a real crowd-pleaser!

Some fun updates on the kids. They are still so cute. Savannah is 2 and Nater is 10 mos. This is Savannah in her Easter dress with her cousins in Cedar.

Nater is huge, huge, huge, and so so so cute! He is so happy! Todd loves that his face is wider than mine. We are starting to guess when I'll be the shortest member of our family! (Yes, still working on my wrinkles!)

Nate loves Savannah, even so much he's willing to share everything with her.

Savannah loves playing with Nate too! He doesn't fit in this stroller anymore, but it sure was cute when he did!

Todd and Savannah don't always see eye to eye, but then again, not many people do with Todd. We had a couple nice days, we even thought summer might be on it's way!

And to officially catch you up. We recently went to a dyno event and have come to the conclusion that the truck is officially still a work in progess. Really we are so lucky that Todd has a hobby, or what else would we post about?!


John Petersen said...
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Chris said...

Nice blog with nice picture of Cutie. She is adorable. It was nice going through your blog.

Debbie said...

Glad you're back to blogging! Love the update on your super-cute family!

Welch Mom said...

I think you all look great and love that you attempted to come see us. Maybe this year it will work? Can't wait to see you soon. Love seeing the updates.

Whit said...

yay an new post! Great to see everyone, adorable as ever. And Jenny, wrinkles? Pssshhh, whatever. You're gorgeous as ever too. Love ya

DenisonChangos said...

Your kids are getting so big, and they are soooo cute.
Glad to see things are going well.

Justin & Erin Linton Family said...

Okay, I need a one-on-one explanation of what Todd's hobby is. I have never heard of DYNO? Your kids are darling and you look as cute as ever. HOpe your family is doing well, we will have to catch up on all that is going on. Nice posting.